I am using an Odbc driver with Paradox. I have a table with a date in it. I am trying to query by the date in that column. I can't seem to get the where clause to work. I can get the record searching by ints, but I don't know how to use the date time.
OdbcCommand comm= new OdbcCommand("SELECT * FROM [Journal] WHERE" +
"[Date] = 04/02/2009 ",
new OdbcConnection(@"Driver={Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.db )};DriverID=538;Fil=Paradox 5.X;DefaultDir=d:\\ics\\tables\\HISTORY;Dbq=d:\\ics\\tables\\HISTORY;CollatingSequence=ASCII"));
OdbcDataAdapter adapt = new OdbcDataAdapter(comm);
DataTable table = new DataTable();
adapt.Fill(table );
From stackoverflow
Look for Date/Time functions in Paradox that will convert a string to a date. It is very tricky to use a String as a date like in your SQL. There must be some functions like TO_DATE or similar that will properly format it for you.
Ok I figured it out.
...where [Date] = {d 'yyyy-MM-dd'} AND...
In odbc you have to use the {} to define an object, and the d defines the format of the date.
You can use the following.
{d 'value'} yyyy-mm-dd
{t 'value'} hh:mm:ss
{ts 'value'} yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
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