Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OpenGL rotate around a spot

Hi, I'm wanting to rotate a gluSphere around a fixed point in a circular motion, like a planet going around the sun.

Would it be best to use glRotatef or glTranslate?


From stackoverflow
  • glRotatef will multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix. This can (given the right vector) do what you are attempting.

    glTranslatef will multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix, which would effectively "move" the object, not rotate it, so it will not be what you want.

    : So for a circular motion what glRotatef should I use to rotate around a set point?
    Tartley : I think it's true to say that he needs one of each - translate the object away from the origin, and then rotate about the origin. (where 'origin' is the center that you want to rotate around)
  • Translate away from the center and then rotate all the way

  • You'll have to do a little of both:

    • Make sure the sphere is "facing" the fixed point, so that translating forward with respect to the sphere puts you closer to the center of its orbit
    • glTranslatef the gluSphere forward to the point around which you want it to rotate
    • glRotatef the direction you want the sphere to orbit
    • glTranslatef backwards just as far as you went forward

    That way, your sphere stays the same distance from the center, but gets translated "around" in a nice orbit.

    : Cheers, spot on!


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