Suppose you have output like this:
Word1 Word2 Word3 Word4
Where the number of spaces between words is arbitrary. I want to break it into an array of words.
I used the following code:
string[] tokens =
new List<String>(input.Split(' '))
delegate(string token)
return token != String.Empty;
Not exactly efficient, but does the job nicely.
How would you do it?
From stackoverflow
I would use a regex for the split with "\w+" for the pattern.
FlySwat : Then I'd have two problems.EBGreen : :) - So twice as many chances to expand your abilities.EBGreen : Actually I had the pattern wrong anyway...D'OH!FlySwat : See, that's why I'm afraid of regex. -
He already mentions string.Split(). What he's missing is StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries:
string[] tokens = input.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
FlySwat : Genius. I didn't notice that overload.EBGreen : +1 for using what is already there.FlySwat : You have to admit, anonymous delegates make it look cooler =)John Rudy : Cooler, yes, more legible and obvious ... not so much. I never noticed this overload either, but it absolutely rocks! +1!Joel Coehoorn : The best part is that it's easy to include tabs, newlines, and other whitespace in the array if you want.Mitchel Sellers : Wow, in all my time using things I've never noticed this overload...
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