Saturday, January 29, 2011

Visual Studio 2008, Response is slow

While working in visual studio 2008(Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.21022.8 RTM, Enterprise Edition) in terminal server remotely using as domain\ user, response of the software is very slow during coding.

For example a) Intellisense takes too much time to suggest values (hangs for 5 secs everytime) and on selecting suggestions takes time to write them in code.

b) Shifting curser position in the editor during coding takes too much time to respond (screen hangs 5 secs). Cursor will disappear for 4-5 seconds and visual studio will hang for that time.

c) Writing any code takes time to reflect same in editor. For e.g. Type the code through keyboard, it takes 5 secs to show them on editor screen.

Compiling (building solution) application is not a problem and all the other softwares are working fine. Also this problem is only with one user and none of the other team members are facing this problem.

  • Well, time for upgrades, isn_t it?

    • Your version of VS is ridiculously outdated. There is even a service pack out for a LONG time now. That said, MOVE TO VS.NET 2010. Point.
    • Upgrade server to 2008 R2.


    A lot faster - I work like that all the time (my main dev machine is a vm on a larger virtualization platform in my data center) and I have people doing financial trading from VM's on the same computer - using remote desktop. This is multiple screens full of charts updating all the time.

    The reason mostly is a lot of stuff is done better in 2008 R2 RDP - including using WPF in VS 2010 for the UI and having specialized WPF remoting code in 2008.

    Older versions simply do not work well with Visual Studio.

    On top: make sure the terminal server is not overloaded. Visual Studio is at times CPU intensive. And memory intensive. It cna not efficiently be remoted on a 32bit architecture with insufficient CPU.

    Kabir Rao : Hi TomTom, Thanks for answer. What really bothers me is, why only 1 user have this issue when at least 10 developers are able to work without any problem. Thanks
    TomTom : Good question. I personally never used a terminal server for development - because I want control over my machine (or grand that to developers), so it is a virtual machine per developer. ifit is only one person - I would look at his add ins running, check his bandwidth.
    From TomTom


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